Dog Hairs Matting Policy

Under the Animal Welfare Act of 2006 (updated 2010), section 5 states ‘‘all animals are to be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease’’.

Matted coats (tightly tangled or knotted) can cause a variety of skin and health problems: Matted coats do not allow for air circulation to the skin, and can cause hot spots, bacterial or fungal infections. Fleas, ticks, maggots and other parasites may be lurking in and under the matted coat causing further skin infections. Thorns or burrs may be tangled in there , often imbedded or held against the skin causing pain, irritation and/or infection. Matted fur can also pull and bind to the skin causing pain to your pet when they move or lay down. The skin underneath is often raw and inflamed.

At Dog Hairs we will not demat your dog. If matting is severe, we will act in the animals best interest and remove the coat in the most humane way possible. This may involve the groom being undertaken by two members of staff. If we believe the risk of hematoma is high, we will stop the groom and seek vet advice. (Hematomas can occur on ears and tails , where the matting is so tight it has resctricted blood flow to the area. When the restriction is removed, the blood rushes back in to the area and may burst the blood vessels.)

Due to the extra time it takes to carefully groom matted dogs, and to cover the additional damage to equipment (scissor and blade blunting) that may be caused, an appropriate matting fee will be charged.